Know your farmer, know your food. We work with local farmers to source the freshest and highest quality ingredients for our dishes. Our menu changes to focus on the freshest foods in season.

Crystal Lake Farms has diligently worked over the last five years going “back to the basics” to develop a breed that is not focused on rapid growth and high yield but is still superior to heritage crosses. The Crystal Lake ‘Free Ranger’ is a slower growing chicken that thrives both inside and outside. It’s also a hearty bird that wants to forage outside in the elements and be itself, naturally. Because the ‘Free Ranger’ is not focused on extreme performance and has a direct lineage to certain heritage breeds, it is generally healthier and has a better tolerance for the changing environment.

Progressive Farm is replanting often to keep production up and customers supplied. The company sells to a number of restaurants and grocers including Reasor's, Whole Foods and community-supported agriculture programs. You can find Progressive Farms produce in the Oklahoma City area at Uptown Grocery in Edmond and the Urban Agrarian in the Farmers Public Market district. After enjoying that fresh salad, I couldn't wait to try some of Progressive Farms' certified organic spinach and braising greens.

Fisher's Eggs' chickens are fed an all-grain diet mixed in their own feed mill. Absolutely no antibiotics, drugs, or hormones are put in the chickens' food. They regularly evaluate our nutrition formulas to ensure our chickens’ feed meets all protein, energy, vitamin, and mineral requirements for optimum health and efficient growth.

Lomah’s cows have a great life, as they get to graze, sleep or do whatever they want, enjoying the creeks, wooded areas and large pastures on the acreage. Twice daily they meander to the milk barn to be milked, then they leisurely stroll back to the fields. Talk about happy cows!
At the market, you can expect to find cheese curds, vat pasteurized milk, soft & hard cheeses, butter, skyr and yogurt.

J&M Farm's mission is to provide the safest, best quality and most competitively priced product to our customers while doing so at the most economical cost. We recognize that our team members are our most valuable asset and everyone will strive to provide the safest working environment possible. Our team members place our support in the communities that we live in and strive to ensure a better way of life.

As a concept, Urban Agrarian is based in taking the best parts of our modern, urban environment (technology, design, and efficient distribution) and combining those with the best of classic agrarian techniques (simplicity, sustainability, biodiversity, and wise resource allocation).As a business, Urban Agrarian is a local food retailer and distributor that was started by founder Matthew Burch in May of 2008 out of his home garage. The UA operation grew and and has been located in Oklahoma City’s Historic Farmers' Market district since 2011. This space, the Earth to Urban Local Food Hub, is home to the Urban Agrarian Local Foods Market and our partner April Harrington's Earth Elements Entrepreneurs' Kitchen.

Greer’s was born in 1966 out of an opportunity to purchase Gable’s Ranch House Sausage. David Greer saw an opportunity and was encouraged to buy with the blessing of T.D. Greer. T.D. was a lifelong meat purveyor in all fields from slaughter operations to retail management. He became a meat supervisor for AP Grocer in San Antonio, TX at a young age and moved along the career path to become owner of Greer’s Greenleaf Packing Co. in Muskogee, OK. Later to be known as Sante Fe Meat Packing Co.

Steven Seikel is an enthusiastic home chef and a Cherokee Tribe member. For years now he has been making mustards for my friends and family and now he's sharing his best mustard recipe with others. Steven has been working for his tribe for years and is now pursuing his master's degree and starting a mustard business.

Dry Creek Refuge is the beloved creation of Tahlequah natives, Ben Berry and Kate Gibson. Located seventy miles east of Tulsa, in Kansas, Oklahoma, the farm is situated along the bank of Dry Creek and next to 20,000 acres of preserved Cherokee Nation wilderness area. USDA Certified Organi, we produce numerous varieties of delicious vegetables throughout the Oklahoma growing season. We are dedicated to using sustainable farming practices that support an overall ecological ethic in protecting soil, water, air, and personal health, and are excited to be a part of creating an alternate food system that is community driven, local, and resilient.